The 6 Funniest Things Various Men Have Said About My Outfit
Fashion is not everyone’s cup of tea. Especially straight men who think a fashion statement involves flashy socks, keyboard ties, and sports jerseys. So you can imagine how I, puffy earrings, several bright layers and all, tend to confuse most of them. Here’s a list of the funnies things men said about the clothes I’m wearing.
*snaps fingers* “Molly Ringwald”
- guy dressed up outside of Philadelphia Wizard Con
“This girl out here looking like she about to sell some Girl Scout Cookies.”
- Bouncer outside of sports club in New York City
“She out here looking like Indiana Jones”
- A group of teenagers at Suburban Station Philadelphia
“I don’t know you’re making me nervous. Your looks is very severe”
- bro at a bar attempting to hit on me
"You look like really good juice."
- Dude at a musical festival at the FDR Skatepark
"I like on your dress. It takes a lot of guts to wear feathers."
- Awkward barback at a disco club
Conclusion: Some men just don't get fashion. Secondary conclusion: My outfits have a lot of range. Either way, they lead to some pretty hilarious conversations