10 Amazing and Down Right Scary Halloween Makeup Looks From Instagram
By Sola Onitiri
Courtesy of NikkiTutorials YouTube
There are two kinds of people this time of year. The people who’ve been planning Halloween since November 1st of last year. You know these people. They have a dozen different complex and well thought out costumes for a business week of Halloween partying. Then there’s the people like me. People who, despite Halloween being the same day every year, forgot they need a costume until the very last moment. Well, no matter where you follow on this super simplified spectrutrum, these Halloween makeup looks from Instagram will come in handy.
Not all of these looks are particularly beginner friendly, but you do have some time for a test tun before the big day. So click on each picture so you can go to these amazing makeup artist and makeup enthusiasts accounts for full details.
I sense there’s something in the wind... ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Halloween Look#5
Makeup Details ✨✨:
✨🌑🌌Dark Matter 🌌🌑✨
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💀 D I S N E Y H O R R O R 💀
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I ask for a ring and got........................
She shined bright like a diamond 💎 but really fake like a cubic zirconia. Ungrateful bride 👰.
💀 Swan of Death 💀 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
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