An Ode To Romantic Spring Fever
By Sola Onitiri
Photo by Kyle Loftus
You feel that right? That bubbly, charged energy hitting the streets in your neighborhood. Suddenly you feel like shopping, you feel like going outside for more than just junk food provisions. And if you’re one of those many people who didn’t get #cuffed during the winter, spring is the equivalent of the first day of the baseball season.
Personally, I hibernate during the winter - so by the time spring comes around, I’m ready to rise from the ashes of family-sized chip bags and cases of artificially flavored seltzer like a phoniex. I’m prepared to somewhat enthusiastically rejoin Tinder OR maybe even meet a guy in real life. I’m faster, I’m better, I’m stronger, I can see the floor of my bedroom which is typically covered in pajama pants. My winged eyeliner is as sharp as my wit and they both need to be acknowledged by potential suitors in a picturesque beer garden on a sunny day.
I have a theory.
It’s part astrology and part half-assed qualitative data, but none-the-less, hear me out. Your love life is 100% dependent on the weather. Everyone has a season (or seasons if you’re lucky) where they thrive romantically. Do you love warm blankets and ice skating? Chances are you’re going on dates that could be mistaken as stills from a Hallmark movie about a divorcee finding love and saving their community center near Christmas time. As a fire sign, that sounds like a LITERAL nightmare. But spring time though? Spring time is when that Hallmark magic happens for just about everyone.
Spring is like getting another crack at your New Year’s Resolution. The nice weather makes you want to be better - it makes you want to do better. You drop back into the gym, you revamp your skin care routine, you start a new savings account. And in the midst of that new found optimism is the realizeation that you deserve better than the last few scrubs you’ve dated. This spring, (Oh honey, THIS spring) you’re going to find a guy that will treat your well moisturized and confident ass right.
That is the joy of spring romance. The opportunity that the positive work you’re doing on yourself will apply to your love life.
So be boy/girl/person crazy. Go out on dates. Actually, go on GOOD dates. Don’t settle for the Netflix and Chill - you left that sh*t in the winter.
Spring is for cute photos in front of murals, it’s for meet cutes, and if nothing else it’s a good warm up for a steamy summer romance.