Post Grad Guide To Survival - A List of Hobbies (Because You Need Some Gosh Darn It)

By Sola Onitiri

List of Hobbies for Post Gard

Now, what I'm about to say is coming from a good place. Think of me as your overly concerned parent who’s worried about all the time you spend on Tumblr. Basically, what I’m saying is ”Go out and get a hobby!” And no, Netflix and junk food do not count. I’m going to highlight why hobbies are an important of your post-grad experience. 


Having an amazing hobby isn’t just about having something interesting to humble-brag about at your next networking happy hour. Hobbies are actually great for your mind, body and soul. No matter what kind of hobby or hobbies you choose, you’ll start to see the benefits of it in your daily life. Most hobbies require you to flex those beautifully toned creative muscles (or you know, real hobbies). This kind of creativity can help you problem solve in the workplace. And for those of us in creative fields, being creative when we’re off the clock can seem counter productive. However, here’s the best way around it. Hone your skills in a different area! Learn or perfect a new creative skill.


Chilling out doesn’t always mean Netflix and snacks. In fact, if you’re anything like me, sitting in front of the TV for too long actually makes you feel kind of lazy and kind of stressed. That’s where your new hobby comes in. Picking your favorite hobby gives you that de-stress time you need without the family sized bag of Doritos. According to many studies, hobbies that require some sort of physical activity creates chemical changes that help reduce stress in our bodies. Personally, I don’t consider physical activity necessarily “fun” but I see where they’re going with this. The process of producing and finishing a project is a warm and fuzzy kind of feeling.


Like I was saying last week, having an active social life is the best way to stave off a quarter and mid life crisis. So why not kill two birds with one stone? If you’re a social butterfly, find a hobby that will help you get involved with big groups. Hobbies like dancing, cooking classes, and book clubs are amazing ways to get to know new people and new things

Here are a few (ahem 90) hobbies for you should try.


Post Grad Guide Get Some Hobbies

Any hobbies I’ve missed? Want a list of hobbies for women or hobbies for men? Let me know below!