Essential Oils Might Just Be The One Product Missing From Your Skincare Routine
By Lisa Le
As a person who's been struggling with acne and oily skin for years, I’ve always tried to stray away from anything that is oil-based or has oils in general. I’ve always thought to myself, “If my skin is already oily, why should I put more oils to my face?”
But I later learned that essential oils are actually good for my skin. When you used oils on your face, it’s telling your skin that you already have oils so your skin can detect that and not create more oils. Putting oils on an oily skin is actually very beneficial in many ways, it’s like a negative plus a negative, making a positive.
The very first oil I used was the Sunday Riley UFO (Ultra-Clarifying Face Oil). What drew me to the oil was that it wasn’t a typical clear greasy oil that you see in drugstores, but it was the green color, scent, and texture that caught my attention. It smells so good and it has so many uses and benefits!
The Sunday Riley UFO is:
Good for all skin types
It’s quick absorbing & non-greasy
Clears congested pores/blackheads
Treat & prevent acne. (My favorite part!)
Smooth fine lines and wrinkles
Brightens your skin
“When I formulated U.F.O., I wanted to create a dry oil that practically disappears into the skin, leaving oily skin smooth (but never greasy) and yet effectively treated for blemishes and blackheads.”
After being so intrigue and satisfied with the Sunday Riley UFO, I wanted to learn more about oils and test out different products and see what it could do for my skin. The second brand that I came across that took my breath away was Darphin-a Paris based skincare brand. There are seven different essential oils that Darphin carries and they’re all amazing, but my favorite is the Chamomile Aromatic Care Oil for sensitive skin.
If you love drinking chamomile tea, you’ll definitely love this oil. It’s blended with pure chamomile, sandalwood, sage and lavender essential oils, making a soothing and calming face oil that has aromatherapy and the power to diminish the appearance of irritation and blotchiness.
When using the Chamomile Aromatic Oil, I like to put five drops of the oil on my fingers, rub it together, inhale for the aromatherapy, then massage it into my face and neck in a heart shape motion. It’s recommended that all Darphin’s Aromatic Oils be used only at night time after you use your serum and then follow with a night cream.
My nighttime routine consists of cleansing my face, applying a toner, using my night serum, then massaging in my Darphin oil and finishing with an eye cream. With this routine, the Chamomile Aromatic Oil just makes me feel so calming and it prepares me for bed. I wake up with such a nice, moisturized and refreshing glow. The best part about Darphin’s oil is that they’re all created with natural botanicals with amazing quality, giving you a unique experience that makes you feel good and look good.
There is so much more I can learn about essential oils, but with what I do know by trying the Sunday Riley and Darphin’s face oil, my skincare routine totally changed and I can see a big difference in my skin. If I’ve only known about face oils years before and wasn’t so afraid of it, my skin would be so perfect! (Just kidding, nobody’s skin is ever “perfect”) We all have our own flaws, and I’m not saying essential oils will work for everyone, but you have to try it and see for yourself, it might just be your holy grail!